Monday, February 7, 2011

Love among the Stars ~Chapter One Part 2

Prince Ronan wondered what she would be like after these ten years of being apart. He himself had changed dramatically; it would only be natural for her to do that as well. Knowing today was the day she was boarding the ship to come to England, and to him, made him even more impatient to see her. Gazing at her portrait, he couldn’t help but marvel at her beauty. Her hair had gone from ringlets to soft curls, in the portrait though they were piled on the top of her head with only two small strands falling to frame her face. Intelligent turquoise eyes stuck out from her ivory skin, she was truly lovely.
            “Your majesty, we have news from France that the Princess Arabella’s ship has left the harbor and should be here in a couple of weeks.” A member of his father’s parliament, Lord Cromwell announced bowing to him.
Nodding in response, he hurried out to the courtyard and looked around for the French diplomats that were there still. Running into one of them, he motioned him over and began to walk with him.
            “I would like to speak with you about the princess.” Ronan announced as they walked through the fields just beyond the gardens.
            “Oui majesty, what can I tell you?” he asked, clasping his hands behind his back.
            “What is she like? Does she like to dance? What’s her favorite color, or her favorite flower?” he asked trying to piece it all together.
Smiling to himself, the old French man nodded and with a small laugh before turning to him again. “Her majestĂ© is a gentle soul. She’s a great intellectual for her age, and enjoys learning from others. She loves to dance, with a good partner. Her favorite flowers are red roses and buttercups. Other than that, Mistress Katherine Bessette, the head of her ladies, will be able to tell you more once she arrives in a few days.”
As the old man walked away, he greeted his good friend James Addison as he ran over to him.
            “Your wife is on her way then? Are you excited?” James asked, his brown eyes grinning at him.
            “I’m nervous, I’m afraid I don’t know as much about her as I thought I did.” He answered rubbing the back of his head.
James nodded and smirked at his friend. “You’ve never been nervous about women before, what makes her so special then?”
            “Well you’ve seen her portrait, I mean; she’s not like the women here. She doesn’t flaunt herself to anyone. She carries this air of elegance about her, from her letters to her portrait.” Ronan answered thoughtfully.
            “Sounds like you’ve fallen in love with a portrait, and her handwriting.” James teased with a loud laugh.
Ronan shook his head at his friend and pushed him towards the tree before taking off back towards the castle.

            As the evening progressed, Ronan found himself in his bedchamber after dismissing all his valets for the night. Walking towards a small oak box, he lifted its lid and looked at the letters he had received from her over the years. Picking up the latest one from the box, he looked over it before walking back to his bed. Lying down on the bed, he opened the letter to the smell of lavender and rose and grinned as it wafted up towards him. Smiling gently he looked down at the words,
            My dearest majesty,
Even as I write this my women are preparing me for my voyage to England. I was just thinking about the last time you here, we were both nine; can you believe it’s been that long? I remember riding the horses along the sea shore, you sneaking me out of my studies, so many good times while you were here. I’m afraid this is going to be my last letter before I arrive there, and it’s going to have to be short. There’s a banquet that I must attend to, but I felt first that I should write to you. I’m so excited to see you, yet my heart grows heavy at the thought of leaving my family. I beg you don’t think ill of me for thinking as such, since you and your family will become mine; I worry of my youngest sister Elizabeth. You would love her; she’s very spirited for her age, sound familiar? I’m afraid I must leave you now, the hairdresser will be here soon and as we all know it’s going to take two hours there before I can even get dressed.
Your faithful servant,
Sighing, he closed the letter and set it on his pillow. Getting under the blankets he gently touched it one more time before looking to the window. “Good night princess…”

            Arabella stood at the helm of the ship and gazed up at the sun. All she could see for miles was the dark water; she’d never been so bored in her life. She’d played cards with Katherine for a few hours before taking her leave for fresh air. Leaning over the rail she couldn’t help but let her thoughts catch up with her. Leaning into the sea spray, she was soon brought out of her reverie though by a gentle hand on her shoulder.
            “What are you thinking about?” Katherine asked coming to rest next to her.
Smiling down at her crossed hands she shook her head before lifting it to watch the dolphins jump along the ship. “A million things Kitty. I’m so excited to see him but at the same time I’m so nervous about it. But it’s not just that though. It’s the people there, what if they don’t accept me? What if they don’t want a foreign princess for their future queen?”
            “Then they need a history lesson. Some of our finest queens were taken from their home and brought somewhere. Eleanor of Aquitaine for example was from France and brought to England. You’re going to do fine.” Katherine told her gently.
            “You always know what to say Kitty; I suppose this is a normal feeling.” Arabella answered looking over at her. “I just wish that this ship would go faster so these nerves will finally go away!”
Laughing, Katherine nodded and leaned into her. “You and I both dear one, though for different reasons I’m guessing.”
            “Why’s that?” she asked.
            “Well…I honestly just don’t like the boat. It smells horrid.” Katherine answered shriveling up her nose at the smell of sweat and alcohol.
            “You do have a point there, but they’re good people. After all, they’re dealing with us until we get there.” Arabella pointed out with a nod.
Nodding, Katherine had to agree with a smile. “It’ll just be nice just to have my feet on dry land again.”
            “Me too Kitty, me too.”

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Love among the Stars" ~Chapter One, Part One

Chapter One
          Princess Arabella was never one to question the authority of her father the king of all France; she was the faithful middle child after all. The third to be precise, of the children her mother had. Her sister had been married off to Sweden while the oldest, her brother the prince, remained of course to learn how to govern their great nation. Now all that was left was herself and her very young sister.
She had been betrothed to Prince Ronan of the far off isle England for as long as she could remember. Oh they’d met a few times, they were young then and he would come to visit, and they wrote back and forth and had a steadfast friendship, but marriage was another matter entirely. Looking up from her book, she managed to put a smile on her face when her beloved governess Katherine entered her chamber.
            “Good afternoon Kitty.” Arabella greeted setting the book aside.
Making her curtsy, Katherine crossed the room and sat down next to her charge. “Good afternoon princess, whatever is the matter my dear? I would think that you would be excited to leave tomorrow.”
            “I am I’m just nervous I suppose. What if he doesn’t like me as a wife? What if I’m sent back here in disgrace? I can’t let my people; or my father down.” She asked, her fears spilling out.
 Gently running her hand over the girl’s chestnut brown hair she placed a gentle kiss to the top of her head and smiled at her. “Where’s all of this coming from? I’ve practically raised you myself, no offense to the queen of course, but I’ve never seen you this insecure about the match. He’s going to love you! Every man who sets his eyes on you falls in love with you!”
            “But what if he doesn’t…what if he turns to other women instead?” Arabella asked in a whisper, hiding her tears.
Katherine tilted the young girl’s head up and wiped the tears from her turquoise eyes. “He won’t, he’s a good boy. You shouldn’t worry like this, you’re only nineteen, and you two have the rest of your lives to fall in love.”
Nodding, she looked up at her governess and couldn’t help but smile. The woman’s black hair was pulled back in a hood, but her kind gray eyes had always soothed her. Taking her hands in her own, she rested her forehead against them.
            “I’m glad you’re coming with me Kitty, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Arabella murmured standing.
            “My dear, it would kill me to see my own little one go on her own. Now, let’s get you ready for supper. You don’t want to be late after all.” Katherine announced walking towards the dressing chamber.

            King Francis loved all of his children, but Arabella had always stuck out to him. Even from a young age she was able to captivate all with her intelligence, and warm personality. She was the opposite of her mother, Isabel. Not that she didn’t like her children, he was just glad Katherine had come into his daughter’s life and was able to fill that void. Now she would be crossing the ocean to help settle the alliance he had drawn up. He didn’t particularly like her going so far, and her siblings hated the idea, but he knew that she would be the perfect match for the young prince. His decision was soon solidified when she was announced to dinner.
            Her kirtle was of the purest white silks while her gown showed her royal status by gleaming in the darkest of purples, which was her favorite color, while the bodice allowed for maiden modesty. Amethysts and pearls hung from her neck, and matched the pearls they stuck up in the twist of her hair. Making her deepest curtsy to her brother and father, she again bowed when her mother entered the room.
            “Good evening father, mother, brother.” Arabella greeted warmly as she took her seat.
Soon the doors burst open, and a flash of blonde hair was seen running towards her big sister.
“Bella!” the young girl cried throwing her green dressed self into her sister’s arms.
“There’s my Elizabeth! Have you been a good girl for Lady Eleanor?” Arabella asked holding the child in her lap.
“Yes sister! I tend to my studies when she tells me to, and then she lets me play outside when I’m done!” Elizabeth answered before hopping down and bowing to the rest of her family.
“I’m terribly sorry for that your majesties, she was just so excited to see the princess here…” Eleanor explained bowing her head.
“It’s no trouble Lady Eleanor! It’s good to see them show affection as they do!” Francis answered dismissing her.
Sneaking a wink to Elizabeth, she soon turned her attentions to her brother Louis and smiled at him. “So brother, is there any news on a betrothal yet for you?”
            “We try sister, but I’m afraid your big brother is just too handsome for the ladies of the world.” Louis teased going along with her game.
            “Dear brother, you will find a woman who worships the ground you walk upon. You deserve nothing less.” She answered sincerely as the first course was served.
            “As do you, Arabella.” He said, seriously.
Isabel watched the interaction among her children and wondered why she never felt that maternal swell. She supposed it was just because she’d never had that figure in her life, not that she didn’t love her children; the very opposite actually. She just never quite knew how to express it, and now with another of her daughters leaving, she would try her best to connect with her.
            “What are you studying right now, Arabella?” she asked gently.
            “Well, Master Girard has me studying Latin, Spanish, Greek, Italian, along with my English studies. He also has me studying astronomy, history, literature, politics, and philosophy.” She answered fiddling with her food.
            “The good master keeps you quite busy then.” Isabel murmured, not knowing quite what to say.
            “Yes, and then Lady Katherine and I like to go out walking with my other ladies, or I go riding with Louis if time and weather permit.” Arabella explained, trying to let her mother into her inner circle.
            “That’s very nice of them.” Answered Isabel shortly, ending their conversation. 

            After the supper banquet was over, Arabella found herself walking with her brother and sister through the gardens with their people behind them. She would desperately miss the company that her siblings had provided over the years. She still missed her older sister Gabrielle who had left for Sweden over four years ago now, though they wrote to each other as often as they could. The tug of her sister’s hand on her own was what finally brought her out of her thoughts though.
            “Bella, must you go away?” Elizabeth asked looking up at her.
Kneeling down to her height, Arabella looked at her sadly and nodded. “Oui ma petite, I must. I can’t disappoint our father, or our kingdom.”
            “But I don’t want you to! Who will play with me? Or tell me stories? Who will love me like you do?” Elizabeth cried throwing her arms around her sister’s slender neck.
            “You will have Louis here; he will take good care of you I promise. And I will write to you all the time, and when you’re old enough perhaps they will find you someone in England and we’ll be reunited.” She tried to sooth, tearing up herself at the prospect of leaving her behind.
            “Don’t worry Bess, if by then I can decide who you shall marry I will send you to England.” Louis reassured her gently bending down next to her.
Sobbing now, Elizabeth clung to Arabella as her nurse rushed forward to take her. When she shook her head no and picked her up, she led the entourage back to the nursery. Sitting down in one of the great chairs, she gently rocked the three year old back in forth in her arms, singing softly to her. Finally when the tears had stopped, Elizabeth looked up and tried to memorize every feature of her sister.
            “Bella, will you tell me a story?” she asked, tired from crying now.
Smiling down at her, she nodded and made herself comfortable. “Which shall it be tonight? Belle et la BĂȘte again?”
            “No…tell the one where the star falls in love with the sailor.” Elizabeth answered with a yawn. Watching her smile down at her, she too tried to memorize the story as her young body fell into a deep sleep.
            Once her sister was asleep, she handed her to Eleanor before going to her brother for their own private goodbye. Knocking on the door to his outer chambers, she was greeted by him and motioned inside.
            “I wanted a chance to say good bye to you, since I can’t accompany you to your boat tomorrow.” Louis explained offering her a chair.
            “Thank you, I hoped that you would.” She answered politely.
Examining her, he walked towards the fireplace and couldn’t help but laugh to himself. “I remember, when we were younger, we promised each other we’d always be together, friends to the end.”
            “We took a solemn oath at the summer palace, by the pond.” She murmured with a smile.
Looking sadly upon her he nodded. “Indeed, looks like the oath couldn’t withstand politics though.”
            “No, but not very many things do.” She answered standing and walked to him. “It won’t kill my fondness of you though brother, you are still my future king and I hope our countries never have to see dark times while we are around.”
            “Know sister that if there is any friction towards England it’s towards your future husband and parliament, not you.” He announced kissing her forehead. “I guess then…this is good bye.”
            “Yes.” She whispered before giving him a deep curtsy and left the room.
It was just as she and her ladies had made it to her own chambers that her father caught up to them. Curtsying to him, he soon raised her up and smiled fondly at her. “Ladies, give us a moment if you would.”
Once her women had dispersed, he led her to her greeting chambers and sat in front of the fire and observed her for a moment before speaking.
            “When you were born, I knew you would do great things Arabella. I don’t know why I knew this, but something inside me told me this. Now, you are a talented woman of language, politics, and music. You will do France proud.” Francis announced proudly.
            “You do me great honor, majesty.” She murmured bowing her head. “I can only hope to shine light on what you have given me and make you proud.”
            “I have no doubt that you will. I have taken care to write to Ronan, to say what a jewel you are to me and your country. That you deserve the best treatment and that if I hear otherwise I will send some of my own people to fix this, in hopes that you will be most happy there.” He continued on rising to pace a bit.
            “I don’t deserve the kindness you have bestowed on me father, but I accept with the greatest gratitude.” Arabella answered, tears starting to burn in the back of her throat.
Walking to her, he raised her head up and wiped the tears away. “Never forget Arabella, you were born to do great things. I try not only to be your king, but your father as well and I hope that over the years I was able to separate those two enough.”
            “Of course majesty, no other man could have been greater.” The protocol answer rolled off her lips, and it made him sigh gently.
            “Before you leave, I ask you to address me not as your sovereign, but as your father.” He announced as she looked up.
            “I’m going to miss you papa, you, momma and my siblings will be in my prayers. I only hope you don’t forget me, and know that I always love you.” Arabella whispered, tears running down her cheeks.
            “We will never forget you, and we will miss you as you miss us. Je t'aime, ma petite renoncule.” He answered and left the room.
Soon feeling Katherine’s arms around her, she turned into them, and cried homesick tears into her neck.

It was dawn when Arabella was awoken from her slumber. Dressing in a light blue, she insisted her hair stay down in its loose curls for traveling. Watching her possessions leave ahead of her, she was grateful that it was still too early for many to be up, especially Elizabeth. Moving about her chambers one last time, she was surprised to find her mother awaiting her, unannounced.
            “Mother…I’m sorry I didn’t know you were here.” She stumbled as she fell into a curtsy.
            “I wanted to surprise you this morning. Arabella my sweet child, I haven’t been much of a mother to you over your past nineteen years. I never had a mother, or someone like Lady Katherine to show me what that kind of love was like. My biggest regret is not being more affectionate with all of you. Now that you’re leaving, I hope you will think fondly of me.” Isabel explained rising.
            “Of course, you are my queen and mother.” She answered bowing her head.
Isabel walked to her daughter and ran a hand through her hair and over her face. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she pulled her child to her and held her there for a moment. “Know that I have always loved you, Arabella. I don’t want us to leave this in a protocol state …please allow me to be a mother to you now, even though you leave.”
            “You always have been mama…” Arabella whispered as her mother pulled back.
Nodding, she knew that Katherine would always hold that place of honor in her heart; she gladly took whatever space she could for the love of her daughter. With one last kiss to her cheek, she hurried out of the room in a bustle of skirts.
            “My lady?” Katherine asked gently.
            “Yes Kitty, I’m sorry.” Arabella answered, trying to wipe the astonishment from her features.
            “They’re ready for us. The other ladies have been excused and send you luck on your voyage. Come, we don’t want to keep England waiting.” Katherine announced handing her, her cloak. Taking it, she pulled the black fabric around her and pulled the hood up over her face. Walking through the silent palace, she made her way out to where her carriage waited for her and stepped inside. With a reassuring smile from Katherine, she took one last look before they left for the boat, and it went out of site.
She was grateful that the harbor wasn’t far from the palace. Watching the country side role past her, she wondered solemnly if she would ever see her home again, knowing deep down that this would probably be the last time. Waving at the people as they passed them, Arabella was relieved when they finally reached the boat. Exiting the carriage, she grabbed Katherine’s arm for support as she boarded the ship and took one last look over her people. Waving to them all one last time she watched as the crew made ready and finally began to pull away from the harbor.

Once Upon a Time...

Alright! So, I'm new to all of this so we're going to see how this all works. 

Anyway, this is going to be just like having a portfolio, so for all of you who do enjoy the rambles of a wannabe author who just happens to love history and traveling welcome to the times! Well that's it for now I'm thinking...but I'll leave you all with a quote from Shakespeare. 

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. "