Monday, February 7, 2011

Love among the Stars ~Chapter One Part 2

Prince Ronan wondered what she would be like after these ten years of being apart. He himself had changed dramatically; it would only be natural for her to do that as well. Knowing today was the day she was boarding the ship to come to England, and to him, made him even more impatient to see her. Gazing at her portrait, he couldn’t help but marvel at her beauty. Her hair had gone from ringlets to soft curls, in the portrait though they were piled on the top of her head with only two small strands falling to frame her face. Intelligent turquoise eyes stuck out from her ivory skin, she was truly lovely.
            “Your majesty, we have news from France that the Princess Arabella’s ship has left the harbor and should be here in a couple of weeks.” A member of his father’s parliament, Lord Cromwell announced bowing to him.
Nodding in response, he hurried out to the courtyard and looked around for the French diplomats that were there still. Running into one of them, he motioned him over and began to walk with him.
            “I would like to speak with you about the princess.” Ronan announced as they walked through the fields just beyond the gardens.
            “Oui majesty, what can I tell you?” he asked, clasping his hands behind his back.
            “What is she like? Does she like to dance? What’s her favorite color, or her favorite flower?” he asked trying to piece it all together.
Smiling to himself, the old French man nodded and with a small laugh before turning to him again. “Her majesté is a gentle soul. She’s a great intellectual for her age, and enjoys learning from others. She loves to dance, with a good partner. Her favorite flowers are red roses and buttercups. Other than that, Mistress Katherine Bessette, the head of her ladies, will be able to tell you more once she arrives in a few days.”
As the old man walked away, he greeted his good friend James Addison as he ran over to him.
            “Your wife is on her way then? Are you excited?” James asked, his brown eyes grinning at him.
            “I’m nervous, I’m afraid I don’t know as much about her as I thought I did.” He answered rubbing the back of his head.
James nodded and smirked at his friend. “You’ve never been nervous about women before, what makes her so special then?”
            “Well you’ve seen her portrait, I mean; she’s not like the women here. She doesn’t flaunt herself to anyone. She carries this air of elegance about her, from her letters to her portrait.” Ronan answered thoughtfully.
            “Sounds like you’ve fallen in love with a portrait, and her handwriting.” James teased with a loud laugh.
Ronan shook his head at his friend and pushed him towards the tree before taking off back towards the castle.

            As the evening progressed, Ronan found himself in his bedchamber after dismissing all his valets for the night. Walking towards a small oak box, he lifted its lid and looked at the letters he had received from her over the years. Picking up the latest one from the box, he looked over it before walking back to his bed. Lying down on the bed, he opened the letter to the smell of lavender and rose and grinned as it wafted up towards him. Smiling gently he looked down at the words,
            My dearest majesty,
Even as I write this my women are preparing me for my voyage to England. I was just thinking about the last time you here, we were both nine; can you believe it’s been that long? I remember riding the horses along the sea shore, you sneaking me out of my studies, so many good times while you were here. I’m afraid this is going to be my last letter before I arrive there, and it’s going to have to be short. There’s a banquet that I must attend to, but I felt first that I should write to you. I’m so excited to see you, yet my heart grows heavy at the thought of leaving my family. I beg you don’t think ill of me for thinking as such, since you and your family will become mine; I worry of my youngest sister Elizabeth. You would love her; she’s very spirited for her age, sound familiar? I’m afraid I must leave you now, the hairdresser will be here soon and as we all know it’s going to take two hours there before I can even get dressed.
Your faithful servant,
Sighing, he closed the letter and set it on his pillow. Getting under the blankets he gently touched it one more time before looking to the window. “Good night princess…”

            Arabella stood at the helm of the ship and gazed up at the sun. All she could see for miles was the dark water; she’d never been so bored in her life. She’d played cards with Katherine for a few hours before taking her leave for fresh air. Leaning over the rail she couldn’t help but let her thoughts catch up with her. Leaning into the sea spray, she was soon brought out of her reverie though by a gentle hand on her shoulder.
            “What are you thinking about?” Katherine asked coming to rest next to her.
Smiling down at her crossed hands she shook her head before lifting it to watch the dolphins jump along the ship. “A million things Kitty. I’m so excited to see him but at the same time I’m so nervous about it. But it’s not just that though. It’s the people there, what if they don’t accept me? What if they don’t want a foreign princess for their future queen?”
            “Then they need a history lesson. Some of our finest queens were taken from their home and brought somewhere. Eleanor of Aquitaine for example was from France and brought to England. You’re going to do fine.” Katherine told her gently.
            “You always know what to say Kitty; I suppose this is a normal feeling.” Arabella answered looking over at her. “I just wish that this ship would go faster so these nerves will finally go away!”
Laughing, Katherine nodded and leaned into her. “You and I both dear one, though for different reasons I’m guessing.”
            “Why’s that?” she asked.
            “Well…I honestly just don’t like the boat. It smells horrid.” Katherine answered shriveling up her nose at the smell of sweat and alcohol.
            “You do have a point there, but they’re good people. After all, they’re dealing with us until we get there.” Arabella pointed out with a nod.
Nodding, Katherine had to agree with a smile. “It’ll just be nice just to have my feet on dry land again.”
            “Me too Kitty, me too.”

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