Saturday, June 11, 2011

Chapter Two - Part Two

A light creak of the door soon turned their attention to a startled Beatrice. Wearing a softer hair style of a simple bun with hair down to fall to her neck and her riding clothes in a dark blue, she was startled to see her crying.
            “My lady, is everything alright? Has something offended you?” she asked concern evident in her voice.
            “No, no everything is alright. I don’t mean to offend your family by saying this, but, I miss my home. I miss my family,” Arabella answered sitting up to wipe the tears away.
Beatrice couldn’t fathom what it would be like to have to move thousands of miles from somewhere you once called your home, she’d always been grateful her father married her to an English lord instead. She could imagine though how homesick she would be in the girl’s position though.
“Oh majesty, you shouldn’t be ashamed to say that you are homesick. My very mother once told me that when she first came here from Cleves was that all she wanted to do was go home. I only hope you allow us to help you through this time though so that you will become more comfortable here.”
Arabella smiled through her tears and nodded as her ladies began to appear to help her prepare for riding.

She wore a riding gown of a silvery blue, simply adorned with pears around the neckline. Her little white hat pinned to her head as the small veil trailed down through her hair. She shielded her eyes against the sunlight though as she hurried out towards the stables.
            “My lady! Come; tell me what you think of her,” Ronan greeted with a grin as he motioned to the black horse they had picked for her. He had worn her colors of purple and gold, they would represent each other.
            “You are very kind majesty, she’s a beautiful creature,” she answered stroking the mare’s graceful neck. “She has a wise look to her eye, I shall call her Athena.”
            “A lovely name, come, let us ride!” Ronan announced helping her into the saddle.

            Riding through the fields of lavender Arabella grinned as they finally stopped by a sweeping willow where Ronan reached up and gently took her waist before helping her out of her saddle again. Walking into the branches they both sat amongst the flowers and grass and watched the sun play in and out of the branches.
            “Are you excited to see your brother tomorrow?” he asked, hearing from his father’s chancellors that the French prince and her dowery would be arriving tomorrow.
Nodding she smiled at him and sighed thoughtfully. “Indeed, I am. It’s not just that though, I am excited to see a piece of my home again. I worry about my sister though, Elizabeth, she is so young and doesn’t understand any of this.”
            “Your Elizabeth, she’s but three years old if I remember correctly?” Ronan asked turning to her with a smile.
            “Indeed majesty, she’s a beautiful child really,” Arabella answered with a smile, “she’ll be a handful for a man when she marries though. She’s a burst of fire.”
            “And what of you dear lady? Where do you play out into all of this?” Ronan asked as her expression turned thoughtful.
            “Me, your majesty? Je suis une femme humble des étoiles, un gardien d'histoires,” she answered with a smile. “A pawn on the great chessboard we call Europe, to be played as the players see fit. That, majesty, is where I fit into all of this.”
            “In the end though, isn’t that where we all fit in?” Ronan asked her as she turned her eyes on him.
            “As monarchs, yes. But look at the life of a peasant my grace; they can go about as they please. Marry as they please; never to worry about alliances or corrupted politics. They’re free,” Arabella murmured as she turned her attention to a bird in flight.
            “And do you, Princess Arabella, do you wish to be free as they are?” he questioned as he too watched the bird.
Laughing she turned to him and placed a hand over his. “Not as long as people need me here.”
Wrapping his arm around her shoulders he rested his head atop of her own as they watched the bird fly further away from them.
It was nearing midnight by the time they finally reached the docks where her ship had once sat in the harbor. Looking out she watched the men struggle to pull the massive vessel into the small harbor. Her silver mist dress sparkled as the starlight caught the diamonds embroidered in it and her sheer veil fell over her shoulders with matching diamonds so that her hair seemed to sparkle. Her smile is what shone brightest of all when finally the ramp was drawn down to allow her brother and the fortune that came with him to finally leave the ship.
            “Arabella!” Louis shouted in joy as he ran down to greet his sister.
Dipping into a deep curtsy she soon rose out of it into her brother’s waiting arms. “Frère, I’ve missed you so!”
            “It’s only been a week and already the palace seems so empty,” Louis answered as they walked forward together and both kneeled before the English royal family. “Majesties, it is a great honor to be here amongst you for such a joyous occasion.”
            “We welcome you, Prince Louis, into our kingdom with open arms,” Arthur announced embracing the young man.

Arriving back at the palace, the siblings were left to speak of their country privately. Louis tucked her arm gently within the fold of his as they walked through the gardens.
            “We worry for Elizabeth,” he murmured as they walked.
            “Why? What’s wrong with her? Is she sick?” Arabella asked, panic evident in her voice.
            “She is sick with grief we are afraid. She won’t eat much, and doesn’t want to play like she used to. She misses her big sister,” Louis answered looking down at her.
Putting a hand to her mouth, Arabella stopped walking as tears ran down her cheeks. “Ma petite, please, no it can’t be. Louis please tell me she’ll be okay.”
            “I know not sister, I just know she needs to be back here, with you. I’m to speak with the king tomorrow about it, after the wedding,” Louis explained as he pulled her to a bench. “There are other matters too though; Spain has been banging on our doors as of late, I’m afraid that there will be war soon.”
            “And it cannot be avoided?” she asked, thinking of the people who would die because of it.
Shaking his head he sighed and looked at her. “I’m afraid not, we tried to find a way out but it is of no use. Your soon to be father-in-law is ready to hand the throne to your future husband. I’m sorry to say sister that you too will have to be dragged into this war.”
            “For the sake of both of my countries brother, anything that I can give to help will be at your disposal,” She answered with a small frown, “what does the king our father say about all of this?”
            “He worries for his people, his family. He worries for the money that will have to be put out for this. You come to rule in a, difficult time dear sister,” Louis said sadly as she gave him a small smile.
            “Remember brother, father used to always say everything happens for a reason, we must believe that if we are to survive,” she reminded him before patting his knee.
Standing before her, he bent down and gently kissed the top of her head. “You are wise beyond your years, dear sister.”
            “No brother, simply hopeful for a time where I will not have to worry about my family all of which will be abroad now,” she murmured sadly.
            “Not all of them, soon if his majesty agrees, you will have Elizabeth,” Louis reminded her gently.
Grinning at him she stood and nodded. “She will be a welcomed face here amongst the court.”
Motioning for them to continue their walk, Louis looked at her with a brotherly fondness. “Do they treat you well here? The other courtiers I mean?”
            “Well enough, most of them are very kind to me and have welcomed me graciously. Others though I fear, are not so open to the idea of a foreign princess as their future queen,” she answered as she looked around them.
            “You must not let them bother you dear sister, you were chosen above all others for the prince. Remember that,” he told her as they reached one of the many great entrances. “Ah, Lady Katherine you’ve come to steal my sister away have you?”
            “I am afraid so, majesty,” she answered with a curtsy, “she must spend the rest of the night preparing for her wedding tomorrow.”
            “Of course madam, until tomorrow then dear sister,” he answered embracing her as she hurried away to ready herself for the next morning.

Chapter Two - Part One

Chapter Two
            Ronan sat impatiently in the gardens as he waited for word about the boat. It had just been over a week and he didn’t know if he could wait much longer. Getting up to pace again, he looked down at the small bouquet that he had collected for her. Roses and buttercups. He could only hope that she would take it as an offering of more, not just friendship. Letting out a puff of air, the sound of running shoes on gravel soon caught his attention. At the sight of honey blonde hair and green eyes, he smiled at his cousin.
            “Eleanor! Why are you running dear cousin?” he asked walking over to her.
Having been considered for one of the new princess’s ladies, Eleanor was one of the first to hear of the arrival of the ship in the harbor. Holding up a hand, she placed a small hand to her small frame to catch her breath.         
            “My lady, the Princess Arabella, she’s on her way here. Through the countryside they’re taking her so they won’t be mobbed by the people.” She explained finally heaving a great breath.
Grinning, he kissed her forehead before grabbing the flowers and running back inside. “Ladies! Your new mistress in on her way!” he announced.
Soon three other women appeared, all of them family or friends of family already married. He wanted her to know that he wasn’t going to try and set up single women for him to go after like his father had. Their marriage would be better than that. His older sister, Beatrice, would be one to keep her company. With her dark red hair and bright gray eyes, their love of books would keep them talking for hours. Julianna, daughter to his mother’s best friend, would be in charge of her wardrobe. Eleanor would be another lady-in-waiting; he was hoping their kindred souls would reach out to one another. Phillipa was his father’s oldest advisor’s granddaughter, and would attending to her as someone who could give advice, and who would help her with her studies. They would be the ones that were constantly there for her, alongside the Mistress Katherine to be her constant companions.
            “I chose all of you because I feel that you will all make good friends for Princess Arabella, I only hope I chose right,” he announced looking at all of them.
            “Don’t worry your highness; we’ve already fallen in love with her. You see, she wrote us letters thanking each of us for becoming one of her ladies a few months ago after you wrote to her and told her,” Julianna announced with a nod.
            “She’s charming brother, I see good things for you two,” Beatrice smiled and hugged him.
            “I hope you’re right,” he answered as he kept waiting for the announcement that she had arrived.

            It took almost four more hours before that announcement came. When it did he was going through making sure all of the preparations were in order. The news was brought to him by a grinning James who gave him a friendly smack on the back with the news.
            “Your waiting has paid off, she’s waiting out in the courtyard for you!” he announced as Ronan went running past him.
Taking the bouquet from Beatrice, he went over himself one more time before walking down the steps to greet her. Once he was at the bottom, they opened the carriage door, and he stopped breathing. The woman who exited the carriage was stunning. She wore a silver kirtle under a midnight blue gown, she wore his colors. Her hair was only half up, with the rest falling down around her exposed shoulders, and the smile she wore was soft and warm.
            “Your majesty I present to you, the Princess of France, Arabella,” someone announced as she fell into a curtsy.
            “It is an honor to see you again your highness,” she murmured her head bent down in respect.
Summoning the will to move, he strode towards her and raised her up from her curtsy. She noticed right away the boy that she knew was no longer there. Here was a man with strong features, a straight nose, the most beautiful silver eyes and the blackest of hair she’d seen; and she could only hope he didn’t hear her heart race in her throat.
            “Princess, I’m glad you made it safe! I brought you these,” he announced handing her the bouquet, tied with a purple ribbon.
            “These are my favorites…how did you know I liked them?” she asked, looking up at him.
            “A friend told me, if I knew what your favorite color was I would’ve had the ribbon be that color…” he answered, feeling bad for not finding out sooner.
Laughing, she threw her arms around him and grinned up at him, “But you got it right! I love purple!”
            “Well then there’s no more need to worry!” he announced leading her towards the castle.
            “Your hair’s grown longer since the last time I saw you,” Arabella commented, noticing it was tied back with a piece of leather.
            “Well, as I got older I thought I might try it out,” He explained offering her his arm.
Taking it, she smiled at him, “I like it; it’s something new for all of us to experience.”
            “I wish you’d tell my mother that, she can’t stand it,” he answered with a laugh as they walked into the palace.
Laughing with him, she leaned on his arm and followed him through the many hallways. “But that’s her just being a mother, of course she doesn’t want to see her precious boy looking like a man, but, I suppose I should prepare myself to meet the queen and king now.”
            “Aye, yes they’ll be waiting for us,” he nodded as she pulled away from him.
            “Until then,” she murmured and turned to follow her ladies to her quarters.

            She arrived on the west side of the palace and entered through warmly colored outer chambers into a beautifully decorated golden and purple chamber. The light oak furniture caught her eye while she wandered towards the window. Glancing down, she noticed that her window allowed her a view of the garden and it made her smile.
            “I had a view similar to this back in France…at the summer palace actually,” she murmured, her thin fingers resting against the glass.
            “It must have been lovely, your majesty,” Eleanor answered coming to stand behind her.
            “Majestic…beautiful yes…oh my, I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t know who you are exactly,” Arabella apologized, raising her hand to her throat.
Smiling, Eleanor motioned everyone forward to be introduced. “I’m Lady Eleanor, the king’s cousin. That is Beatrice, the king’s sister, over there is Julianna whose mother is the queen’s dearest friend, and Phillipa who is the oldest daughter to the king’s advisor.”
            “It’s an honor to be serving you, majesty,” Phillipa said curtsying to her.
            “It’s an honor to have you, but Beatrice; you are a princess of the country. You shouldn’t have to by my lady-in-waiting,” Arabella pointed out rather confused.
Beatrice nodded and shrugged her shoulders as she touched her braided bun. “I know, but honestly I’ve never had an interest in running this country, I don’t have the stomach to handle it actually.”
Nodding, she could understand where the older princess was coming from. “Well, I’m glad you’re here anyway.”
            “I’m sorry to break up the sweet greetings, but majesty we really should start getting you ready to meet his and her majesty,” Julianna pointed out, her bright blonde head bowed in respect.
            “Yes you’re right; I’ll follow you for now.” She answered in agreement as she followed her towards the wardrobe.
Ronan waited alongside his parents in the great hall for Arabella to make her appearance; they didn’t have to wait long though. Not a moment later she appeared to the sounds of fanfare and cheers as people crowded around to get a look at the new foreign princess. She had chosen a wine colored gown and gold jewelry that night. The dark red set off the green in her eyes, allowing the blue to become lighter. Her ladies had released her hair down from its restraints from earlier and it now hung in soft curls around her exposed shoulders, her newly modified French hood, now without the veil, stood as her sign of nobility and was encrusted with rubies and pearls. Everyone watched as she gracefully glided up towards the king and queen and fell to her knees in a curtsy.
            “Welcome Princess Arabella to Whitehall palace and England itself! We are pleased you have arrived here safely and are continuing to show your loyalty to your fiancé and your new country itself,” the king, Arthur, announced in his booming voice. His black hair cropped short as his bright green eyes joyfully looked upon her.
            “Yes my dear, we are indeed most happy to see that you are here with us safe and sound, and hope that your journey here was pleasant as well,” the queen, Emeline, agreed, her own auburn hair swept up into two soft buns at the nape of her neck while her warm gray eyes looked fondly on the girl
            “Your majesties provided only the best vessel to bring me here; I am deeply honored that you would provide such a magnificent ship to bring me to your great nation,” Arabella answered as she was raised to stand back on her feet.
            “Nothing is too good for our future queen of England my dear girl! Now let the festivities begin!” Arthur announced as the troubadours emerged from their corners and began to play on their lutes and fiddles.
Standing off to the side Arabella chose for the moment to stand back and watch the dancers out on the floor. She’d heard a bit of the music that would be played here, but it was so different from what she was used to that it made her heart ache. Lowering her eyes towards the floor she wished at that moment to be anywhere but there.
            “You should be dancing, enjoying yourself,” Ronan murmured coming to stand by her.
            “As should you majesty, I must still be tired from my journey,” she answered fidgeting with the ruby pendant that hung at the top of her bodice.
Looking at her skeptically, he gently took her hand and led her away from their and out into the gardens. “It’s okay to be homesick you know,” he said as if reading her mind.
            “That would be ungrateful of me though, your family has already shown me much kindness,” Arabella answered him softly walking towards the fountain.
            “They would understand though; you’ve been taken from somewhere familiar and brought somewhere new with only one familiar face.” Ronan soothed as he made his way towards her.
            “More than one I’m afraid. They sent that crapaud laid here as well,” answered she, her voice turning cold at the mention of the fool that had tried to call off the engagement. “That horrid Gustave Laroche is here as well.”
Ronan remembered the name and the man as well and was astonished that they would send him here as well. He supposed though that it would be so that they could keep an eye on him, so that if anything went amiss they would know who was behind it. Sighing, he gently took her shoulders and looked down into her eyes. “You mustn’t let him get to you like this ma cher, he only wins if you do.”
            “I don’t trust him Ronan, he feeds of the power of others to try and get ahead of all until it is he who is running the country through the king himself!” she exclaimed, her fury building towards the man.
            “Bella, I swear that I won’t let that happen. You have to trust me though, I’m not going to go back on a promise, and you know that,” he reminded her, pacifying her temper as she nodded and leaned her forehead on his chest.
Their moment however was short lived when none other than Gustave appeared from behind the bushes. His long nose protruding out from much too close together, dull brown eyes while thin mouse brown hair lay flat against his head. “My most respected majesty; you must not be seen so lovingly with your future wife.”
            “Did I say I wanted your advice Monsieur Laroche? I will show any amount of affection to her as I please,” Ronan snapped as he shielded Arabella from his gaze.
            “Aw, but my majesty it would not be seen as proper for such a young man to commit himself to just one woman yet! You should be out flirting with the other women as well!” Gustave commented, the princess had been his own match for himself, but the king had thrown his idea out and spat in his face at the very idea.
            “You will not speak in such a way with a lady present! I am much content with the princess’s company and you my good sir will leave us and the court immediately until you can learn to show some respect to my future wife!” Ronan yelled as he waved forward two guards to escort him out.
Hearing the commotion, Arthur hurried to his son’s side and witnessed the French man being dragged away yelling ugly names at them. “My son, what has happened here?!”
            “Your highness, that man was dishonoring the very presence of the princess! Insisting I needed to court other women and that being by her side was not appropriate for a man my age!” Ronan raged at his father as Arabella was attended to by Katherine and Beatrice.
Arthur was shocked for a moment, but had no room to talk. When he had been his son’s age he had courted many women on the side even while married. Even when Emeline had been pregnant he had continued on, but after his young five year old son asked why he didn’t love his mother, he soon realized his mistake and ended his ways. Sighing, he nodded and gave the signal for the guards to continue on with removing him. “I’m sorry you had to be witness to that Arabella, he will be removed from the country as a diplomat. Since his own country won’t welcome him, I shall send him to Scotland where my trusted men will keep an eye on him for us,” he announced before returning to his wife who waited in the light of the doors to explain what was going on.
            Ronan soon banished his anger and turned back to where Arabella stood cradled in the embrace of Katherine and soothing words of his sister. Smiling at her, he held his arms out to her, in an offering of comfort of his own. Knowing she had the choice to either accept his embrace or to hide from it, Arabella knew it would be her duty to accept it after the way he stood up for her. However, every fiber of her being screamed for it, and she rushed into his warm embrace.
            “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry that you had to witness that scene. I wish that you didn’t have to,” Ronan whispered to her as she buried her face in his neck. Soon noticing how well she fit there, with her being only as tall as his chin.
            “I’m not; you calmed my fears about whether or not you really do care for me. I’m just sorry that we didn’t have more time to just speak,” she answered taking in his scent that was both spiced with a hint of sandalwood.
            “We will though. Come riding with me tomorrow morning, we have much to learn about each other in the next two days before we are officially married. I wish to know my wife before I marry her,” He announced holding her at arm’s length.
            “Of course, your wish is mine,” she answered with a smirk as he tickled her sides.
            “None of this court speech nonsense! We are not strangers or in the public’s eye, here we are just us,” Ronan instructed as he ran his fingers through her silky hair.
Feeling his hand rest on her cheek, she raised her own to cover it and smiled. “Of course, bon nuit Ronan, sleep well.”

            As the pearly gray dawn began to show threw her sheer gold drapes, Arabella’s eyes opened and she soon realized that she wasn’t in her own quarters that she was so used to. Rolling over to face the window, tears escaped her eyes as she bit the corner of her pillow to hide her sob. She missed France. She missed her family, all the familiar faces that she had come to love so dearly. Wiping at her eyes, she soon recognized Katherine’s riding boot heels as she came to check on her.
            “Princess, why are you awake so early? I would think that you would still be asleep,” Katherine whispered, dropping the formality, her blue riding dress skirt draping to the floor.
            “I couldn’t sleep, each time I close my eyes I see home. Mama, papa, Louis, Elizabeth…all their faces appear to me,” Arabella wept as Katherine moved to sit on the side of the bed, “knowing I will never see them again…oh Kitty, I miss them so!”
            “I know; I know my little one. I miss home as well, but it will be alright, you’ll see. We still have each other; I’m not going anywhere anytime soon,” Katherine answered running her hand over the girl’s hair, “I promise that this will get easier, you will always miss them I’m afraid, but soon it will be easier to deal with.”