Saturday, June 11, 2011

Chapter Two - Part Two

A light creak of the door soon turned their attention to a startled Beatrice. Wearing a softer hair style of a simple bun with hair down to fall to her neck and her riding clothes in a dark blue, she was startled to see her crying.
            “My lady, is everything alright? Has something offended you?” she asked concern evident in her voice.
            “No, no everything is alright. I don’t mean to offend your family by saying this, but, I miss my home. I miss my family,” Arabella answered sitting up to wipe the tears away.
Beatrice couldn’t fathom what it would be like to have to move thousands of miles from somewhere you once called your home, she’d always been grateful her father married her to an English lord instead. She could imagine though how homesick she would be in the girl’s position though.
“Oh majesty, you shouldn’t be ashamed to say that you are homesick. My very mother once told me that when she first came here from Cleves was that all she wanted to do was go home. I only hope you allow us to help you through this time though so that you will become more comfortable here.”
Arabella smiled through her tears and nodded as her ladies began to appear to help her prepare for riding.

She wore a riding gown of a silvery blue, simply adorned with pears around the neckline. Her little white hat pinned to her head as the small veil trailed down through her hair. She shielded her eyes against the sunlight though as she hurried out towards the stables.
            “My lady! Come; tell me what you think of her,” Ronan greeted with a grin as he motioned to the black horse they had picked for her. He had worn her colors of purple and gold, they would represent each other.
            “You are very kind majesty, she’s a beautiful creature,” she answered stroking the mare’s graceful neck. “She has a wise look to her eye, I shall call her Athena.”
            “A lovely name, come, let us ride!” Ronan announced helping her into the saddle.

            Riding through the fields of lavender Arabella grinned as they finally stopped by a sweeping willow where Ronan reached up and gently took her waist before helping her out of her saddle again. Walking into the branches they both sat amongst the flowers and grass and watched the sun play in and out of the branches.
            “Are you excited to see your brother tomorrow?” he asked, hearing from his father’s chancellors that the French prince and her dowery would be arriving tomorrow.
Nodding she smiled at him and sighed thoughtfully. “Indeed, I am. It’s not just that though, I am excited to see a piece of my home again. I worry about my sister though, Elizabeth, she is so young and doesn’t understand any of this.”
            “Your Elizabeth, she’s but three years old if I remember correctly?” Ronan asked turning to her with a smile.
            “Indeed majesty, she’s a beautiful child really,” Arabella answered with a smile, “she’ll be a handful for a man when she marries though. She’s a burst of fire.”
            “And what of you dear lady? Where do you play out into all of this?” Ronan asked as her expression turned thoughtful.
            “Me, your majesty? Je suis une femme humble des étoiles, un gardien d'histoires,” she answered with a smile. “A pawn on the great chessboard we call Europe, to be played as the players see fit. That, majesty, is where I fit into all of this.”
            “In the end though, isn’t that where we all fit in?” Ronan asked her as she turned her eyes on him.
            “As monarchs, yes. But look at the life of a peasant my grace; they can go about as they please. Marry as they please; never to worry about alliances or corrupted politics. They’re free,” Arabella murmured as she turned her attention to a bird in flight.
            “And do you, Princess Arabella, do you wish to be free as they are?” he questioned as he too watched the bird.
Laughing she turned to him and placed a hand over his. “Not as long as people need me here.”
Wrapping his arm around her shoulders he rested his head atop of her own as they watched the bird fly further away from them.
It was nearing midnight by the time they finally reached the docks where her ship had once sat in the harbor. Looking out she watched the men struggle to pull the massive vessel into the small harbor. Her silver mist dress sparkled as the starlight caught the diamonds embroidered in it and her sheer veil fell over her shoulders with matching diamonds so that her hair seemed to sparkle. Her smile is what shone brightest of all when finally the ramp was drawn down to allow her brother and the fortune that came with him to finally leave the ship.
            “Arabella!” Louis shouted in joy as he ran down to greet his sister.
Dipping into a deep curtsy she soon rose out of it into her brother’s waiting arms. “Frère, I’ve missed you so!”
            “It’s only been a week and already the palace seems so empty,” Louis answered as they walked forward together and both kneeled before the English royal family. “Majesties, it is a great honor to be here amongst you for such a joyous occasion.”
            “We welcome you, Prince Louis, into our kingdom with open arms,” Arthur announced embracing the young man.

Arriving back at the palace, the siblings were left to speak of their country privately. Louis tucked her arm gently within the fold of his as they walked through the gardens.
            “We worry for Elizabeth,” he murmured as they walked.
            “Why? What’s wrong with her? Is she sick?” Arabella asked, panic evident in her voice.
            “She is sick with grief we are afraid. She won’t eat much, and doesn’t want to play like she used to. She misses her big sister,” Louis answered looking down at her.
Putting a hand to her mouth, Arabella stopped walking as tears ran down her cheeks. “Ma petite, please, no it can’t be. Louis please tell me she’ll be okay.”
            “I know not sister, I just know she needs to be back here, with you. I’m to speak with the king tomorrow about it, after the wedding,” Louis explained as he pulled her to a bench. “There are other matters too though; Spain has been banging on our doors as of late, I’m afraid that there will be war soon.”
            “And it cannot be avoided?” she asked, thinking of the people who would die because of it.
Shaking his head he sighed and looked at her. “I’m afraid not, we tried to find a way out but it is of no use. Your soon to be father-in-law is ready to hand the throne to your future husband. I’m sorry to say sister that you too will have to be dragged into this war.”
            “For the sake of both of my countries brother, anything that I can give to help will be at your disposal,” She answered with a small frown, “what does the king our father say about all of this?”
            “He worries for his people, his family. He worries for the money that will have to be put out for this. You come to rule in a, difficult time dear sister,” Louis said sadly as she gave him a small smile.
            “Remember brother, father used to always say everything happens for a reason, we must believe that if we are to survive,” she reminded him before patting his knee.
Standing before her, he bent down and gently kissed the top of her head. “You are wise beyond your years, dear sister.”
            “No brother, simply hopeful for a time where I will not have to worry about my family all of which will be abroad now,” she murmured sadly.
            “Not all of them, soon if his majesty agrees, you will have Elizabeth,” Louis reminded her gently.
Grinning at him she stood and nodded. “She will be a welcomed face here amongst the court.”
Motioning for them to continue their walk, Louis looked at her with a brotherly fondness. “Do they treat you well here? The other courtiers I mean?”
            “Well enough, most of them are very kind to me and have welcomed me graciously. Others though I fear, are not so open to the idea of a foreign princess as their future queen,” she answered as she looked around them.
            “You must not let them bother you dear sister, you were chosen above all others for the prince. Remember that,” he told her as they reached one of the many great entrances. “Ah, Lady Katherine you’ve come to steal my sister away have you?”
            “I am afraid so, majesty,” she answered with a curtsy, “she must spend the rest of the night preparing for her wedding tomorrow.”
            “Of course madam, until tomorrow then dear sister,” he answered embracing her as she hurried away to ready herself for the next morning.

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